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USA 18/07/2023

Advancements in objective fruit flavor evaluation methods

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Understanding fruit quality is crucial for consumers. They first judge fruits based on color, size, shape, and gloss. But it's the flavor and texture that truly determine satisfaction and drive repeat purchases.

Flavor is a key factor in quality, resulting from the interaction of various chemicals. However, it's been somewhat neglected in the past due to its complexity. Recently, though, consumer demand for better flavor is gaining attention. Producers are now focusing on enhancing flavor to ensure better sales and profitability.

Evaluating and selecting fruits for maturity and ripeness, both at harvest and during market sales, involves measuring their flavor. The flavor of a fruit undergoes changes as it develops and ripens, both before and after harvest when stored. Therefore, regular monitoring of flavor is necessary.

Measuring fruit flavor involves using a variety of methods, some subjective and others objective.

Traditionally, flavor evaluation relied on trained professionals or consumers scoring attributes like sweetness, sourness, mealiness, and intensity. Subjectivity was an issue, especially with sourness. Important flavor aspects were sweetness, firmness, and aroma.

To measure taste objectively, experts used methods like Total Soluble Solids (TSS), Titratable Acidity (TA), TSS/TA ratio, and firmness. Various instruments, such as refractometers for TSS, penetrometers for firmness, and titration for acidity, were employed. Though accurate, these methods required destructive sampling and were time-consuming.

Recent advancements have brought non-destructive and objective evaluation methods for flavor attributes. Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy-based devices use sensors to analyze the fruit's spectrum without damage. The portable F-750 and F-751 Felix Produce Quality Meters are examples of NIR instruments that provide real-time, precise measurements of TSS, acidity, and color. Read the full article here.

Felix Instruments, a subsidiary of CID Bio-Science, Inc., develops and manufactures NIR assessment and gas analysis tools for growers, breeders and distributors to obtain critical data from fruit quickly and non-destructively. If you wish to obtain a hands-on experience on Felix Produce Quality Meters, send your inquiry.

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To measure taste objectively, experts used methods like Total Soluble Solids (TSS), Titratable Acidity (TA), TSS/TA ratio, and firmness. (photo:
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