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The latest "Purchase Offers"

Importer from the Netherlands is looking for Raspberry
-> Netherlands (the) - Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Importer from the Netherlands is looking for Raspberry

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Importer from The Netherlands is looking for Blueberry
-> Netherlands (the) - Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Importer from The Netherlands is looking for Blueberry

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Importer from The Netherlands is looking for Strawberry
-> Netherlands (the) - Monday, November 13, 2023
Importer from The Netherlands is looking for Strawberry

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The "Purchase Offers" service

A unique service from

Looking for a product and would like an overview of potential suppliers ?
Send us your request with your requirements clearly defined.
We will publish your request (confidentially if desired), and will select and solicit the companies that will best be able to respond to your request.

A guaranteed service for buyer and seller

All "Purchase Offers" are validated by our services. Our field sales team are in permanent contact with companies involved in the sector. All conditions must be met to submit a search request to make sure the company making the request is serious and conditions and procedures are met. In turn, the selected companies must comply with the request and offer guarantees of quality of service, production and references.

A relationship based on trust

Selected companies can request from us a throughout search concerning the applicant : company presentation, solvency information references. Support

We can be contacted from monday to thursday 9.00am-12.15am and 12.45pm-5.00pm, on friday 8.00am-12.00am (french hour)
Francoise Jouve
Speaks french Mrs Françoise Jouve
Direct line +33 (0)
Sophie Ruas
Speaks french Speaks english Mrs Viyada Snith
Direct line +33 (0)
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