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Look for transport Netherlands/Italy (22/05/2015)

An Italien company is looking for the following transports :


1) 5966 PJ America (NL) - 74100 Taranto (IT)
2) 1738 BJ Waarland (NL) - 74100 Taranto (IT)
3) 5865AD Tienray (NL) - 74100 Taranto (IT)


4) 5966 PJ America (NL) - 37050 Isola Rizza (IT)
5) 1738 BJ Waarland (NL) - 37050 Isola Rizza (IT)
6) 5865AD Tienray (NL) - 37050 Isola Rizza (IT)


Load weight: 15 tons
Refrigerates truck - temp. +4°C
Goods: fresh salad, on pallets (no pallets exchange)
Loading dates: each day from today (but without Monday 25.05.15 as it's a holiday in Netherlands): so 22.05.15, 23.05.15, 24.05.15, 26.05.15 and so on


EVOLUTION FRUIT di Cavallo Andrea
Mobile: +39 393-8489251
Tel: 0835 1766322
Fax: 0835 1761168
B.N.D.O. 0115516
EMAIL [email protected]
Website :

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