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Candidate seeks job in F&V (10/02/2014)

Executive summary :

Graduated in Comercio Internacional (DESS) with experience of 15 years in the Commercialization, Logistic and Distribution of perishable, foods process and gastronomical products in international markets, specially in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean and the Middle East.

Specialist in the design and execution of plans of businesses and commercial operation of fruits, vegetables and vegetables. Abilities for the negotiation and supervision of personnel. Vocation to the work in oriented equipment and to the profit of results. Dominion of the languages Spanish, English and French.


Objective :

To decide on a position of Direction of Purchases and/or Operations of Commercialization, Import and Export of perishables products for international markets. To participate like Independent Consultant in the agricultural product positioning in the market of Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe.


Ramon Pieve

+34 648881340

[email protected]

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