5 good reasons to become a FREE Member

Christophe Durrieu
Christophe Durrieu
I'm Christophe Durrieu, President of Fructidor since 1989.
Since 1935, my grandfather and my parents have developed the services Fructidor provide to make it the leading international guide for buyers of fruits and vegetables.

Our directories and websites are the preferred sources of information for buyers of fruits and vegetables in Western Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe. We have also recently extended our activities across the world and our reputation is growing rapidly.

We take pleasure from our work through our independence, innovation, on-site verification and respect for our partners.

I am personally committed to ensure for you the following 5 points.

1. Limited visibility with 13,000 subscribers

Your business card and your mini website are available to all paying Fructidordor subscribers.
In the last 12 months, this figure reached 13,000 professionals.
Your company is visible on both www.fructidor.com (English) and www.fructidor.fr (French).

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2. Your PARTIAL Business Card

Your business card is displayed for all research that concerns you, whether it is made using your name, brand, product or activity.
Additionally, it is displayed for advanced searches.


Your card includes : company name + country
Only Fructidor subscribers will be able to contact you.
This is still of 13,000 professionals worldwide, but if you opt for the "Gold Member", all visitors (240,000 using free access) will be able to have access to your information and profile.
This is the big difference.

Tip : the more details you provide about your company, the more visits you will receive.

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3. Your PARTIAL mini-website

It is essential for your mini-website to give the visitor as much detail about your business, products, product origins, seasonality, certifications, equipment, type of customers, business contacts, foreign languages spoken etc. In short, everything a good sales person would highlight with a prospect!
This will bring more visits.

To sum up, this information will be available for subscriber but not visitors visitors using free access.
It's good, but you're missing 240,000 visitors per year !

Visitors carefully consult fructidor.com mini websites to contact only a limited number of partners: those that exactly match their search !
A well-detailed mini-website will save time and you have the assurance of only being contacted by interested professionals.

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4. You can manage your own profile

In "MyFructidor" so you can enrich your company profile and give the maximum detail about your business, products, origins, seasonality, certifications, brands, equipment, type of customer, geographical footprint, business contacts, foreign languages spoken etc...

This is a real mini website that you can change at any time while avoiding the often substantial costs of updating your own website.
Have you noticed the number of websites that are not up to date ?
This conveys a very negative image of these companies that have spent a lot of money.
We avoid this by calling you to update your profile regularly.
The Fructidor team will assist you in updating your profile.

Tip : Whenever you update your profile, you improve your "filling rate." You will then be highlighted in the websites and you increase your opportunities for contacts.

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5. Highlighted in "Updates"

To further increase your visibility, free members receive a highlighted space in "Updates" on the home pages of all Fructidor sites.
Your name, activity and country will appear. Also, a dynamic link to your card.

Tip : Whenever you update your profile in myFructidor, your company will top the list in the space "Updates" on the home page.
It's free and it gives you more visibility. Benefit from it !

You can improve your results at any time...

If you want to get better results with your listing: have a profile that is more often consulted and more emails in your inbox...
You can always opt for a paid listing.
Business cards and mini-web site are much more looked at, and above all they have priority display.
You will receive far more business opportunities !

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