23/10/2023 | Paraguay

Paraguayan bananas and kiwis attract Spanish investors

Recently, Pastor Soria, the president of the National Service for Plant and Seed Quality and Health in Paraguay (Senave), spoke with Javier Marqués Flórez, the Honorary Consul of Paraguay in Asturias (Spain) and technicians from the Investment and Export Network (Rediex) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) about their interest in Paraguayan production.
Issues related to the possibility of developing kiwi shipments were discussed, and it was agreed to work immediately to export bananas to the European market. 
Soria estimated that the first shipment would be made next February. A technical tour of the main production areas of Caaguazú and San Pedro is planned for next week, so that the investor can learn about the production system applied to the crop.
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