20/10/2023 | Chile

Chilean fruit exports exceed $4 billion until September

From January to September 2023, Chilean fresh fruit exports achieved sales of 2.138 million tons, equivalent to $4.612 billion, according to ODEPA. These exports show a decrease in volume by 7.3%, but an increase in value by 11.3% compared to the same period the previous year.

The leading species exported during this analysis period was cherries, with a volume of 302,827 tons (a 6.1% increase compared to the same period in 2022) and equivalent to $1.819 billion dollars (a remarkable increase of 21.8%). This represents 39.4% of the total value of fresh fruit exports during the analysis period. China is the primary destination, accounting for 91.1% of the total value of Chilean cherry exports.

Following in significance is table grapes, with 495,308 tons (an 18% decrease) and equivalent to $865.8 million (a slight increase of 0.4%). This accounts for 18.8% of the total value of fresh fruit exports. The United States is the prominent buyer during this period, representing 46.8%, followed by China at 13.2%.

In third place, we find apples, with shipments of 446,000 tons (an 18.3% decrease) and equivalent to $461.7 million (a minor decrease of 0.2%). This constitutes 10% of the total value of fresh fruit exports. The primary destination country was the United States, concentrating 14.7% of the total value of apple shipments, followed by Colombia (13%), Brazil (9.7%), and Ecuador (6.8%).

In fourth place is blueberries, with shipments of 72,424 tons (a 19.9% decrease) and $319.8 million (a 10% decrease), equivalent to 6.9% of the total value of fresh fruit exports. The primary destinations were the United States (49.1%) and the Netherlands (19.8%).

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