31/08/2023 | Italy

Apple season off to a promising start

In Italy, mid-August saw the start of the 2023 harvest for the 4,600 producers who are members of the VOG Consortium in Terlano (Bolzano), one of Europe's leading apple producers and marketers
Harvesting began in mid-August with the Royal Gala and SweeTango™ varieties. The apple season is off to a promising start for VOG, particularly in terms of fruit quality due to the ideal conditions recorded this summer (sufficient water supply, good temperature difference between day and night) for excellent apples. In terms of market demand, the initial signs are positive, with demand seen as dynamic.
In terms of volumes, after last year's drop, Royal Gala quantities have returned to the good average levels of previous harvests. The same is true of Golden Delicious. Granny Smith and Red Delicious, on the other hand, are expected to see a slight drop. 
Stable volumes are also forecast for Pink Lady®, Kanzi®, Jazz™, envy™ and yello® varieties. The increase in plantings seen in recent years will lead to significant growth in the new Cosmic Crisp®, Giga®, RedPop®, Joya®, Crimson Snow® and SweeTango™ apples.
source : fruitecom it
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