01/08/2023 | Peru

Peruvian grape season to begin in September

The coastal El Niño weather phenomenon has caused temperatures to rise, leading to earlier harvesting of the first table grapes and pruning of vines in the Peruvian 2023/24 season. Normally, the campaign begins in October, but this year the grapes are expected to come out in September.
According to the president of the consulting firm Inform@cción, Fernando Cillóniz Benavides, there will be more early grapes this season compared to last year. Cyclone Yaku, which occurred in March this year, caused heavy rainfall that generated the spread of fungus on vine plants on the Peruvian northern coast, which would affect grape production in that area.

In contrast, the Ica region has experienced a different situation. The heat favoured bud break and advanced fruit development, which will also result in a higher production of early grapes.

Given that Ica is the main table grape producing region in Peru, table grape production (and exports) in the 2023/2024 season is projected to be higher than in the previous season (2022/2023).


Despite challenges such as the impact of the global El Niño phenomenon and the popular uprisings, the growth in table grape production will not be reversed, according to Cillóniz. One relevant fact is that table grape exports from Peru have increased by 16% in volume up to 16th July this year, compared to the same period last year, adding up to around 45,000 tonnes more.
fuente: agraria.pe
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