14/07/2023 | Peru

Peruvian hass avocado enters Malaysian market

The first shipments of Peruvian Hass avocado could reach the Malaysian market in the next two months, according to Hass Avocado Producers Association of Peru (ProHass).

The introduction of Peruvian Hass avocados to Malaysia was proposed in 2019, a year when access to the markets of the United States and the European Union was achieved.

Juan Carlos Paredes, President of ProHass, explained that the environmental certification being prepared by the National Agrarian Health Service (Senasa) to enter the Asian country will be ready before the end of the third quarter of the ongoing year.

The Hass avocados will enter the Malaysian market nearly a year after the ratification of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which allows around 90% of Peruvian products to reach that country without tariffs.

source: larepublica.pe
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