10/07/2023 | Peru

Potential Peruvian grape exports to Japan amount to $17 million

After 15 years of efforts by the National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa), Peru can now export its table grapes to the Japanese market. With this opening, Peru can export 26 varieties of grapes to a market with 125 million potential consumers. According to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), the potential export of fresh grapes to Japan amounts to $17 million.
Prior to obtaining access for grapes, Japan also concluded phytosanitary agreements for the export of mango, avocado and satsuma mandarin from Peru.
Authorization to export grapes to Japan involves certain conditions, such as that the fruit be harvested and processed in places authorized by Senasa, that shipments be made by sea and that cold treatment requirements be met in transit.
Export season 2022-2023
According to Senasa, in the 2022-2023 season, which will end in July, 36,318 grape shipments have been certified to date, totaling 563,618 tons.
Considering the recent growth trend in grape exports, it is expected that the next 2023/2024 campaign will exceed these numbers. 
In terms of registered vineyard hectares, Senasa has certified 22,032 hectares for export. Most of these hectares, more than 80%, are concentrated in the departments of Ica and Piura. Other regions with significant grape production are Lambayeque, La Libertad, Arequipa, Ancash and Lima.


fuente: provid.org.pe agraria.pe




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