07/07/2023 | Peru

Mango flowering deficiency in Piura questions harvest and European shipments

As of July 1, Kent mango crops in Piura (Peru) were showing a lack of flowering, and it is estimated that less than 1% of the trees throughout the valley have shown any type of bloom during the month of June.
Local growers warn that due to this situation, no fruit will be available in November and a significant shortage of shipments to the European market is expected in December and January.
Throughout July, trees are expected to respond to chemical treatments to stimulate flowering, but so far the results have been negative. The only noticeable improvement has been in temperatures, with lows around 19 degrees Celsius during the last week of June, and highs reaching 32 degrees Celsius.
In general, however, it has been observed that the first vegetative loads have produced irregular and isolated blooms. Depending on bud conditions, a possible response is expected towards the end of this month.
fuente: agraria.pe
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