29/06/2023 | Peru

Positive trend in Peruvian blueberry supplies to Southeast Asia

Peruvian blueberry shipments abroad in the 2023-24 season have started at a good pace. According to Proarándanos data, up to the eighth week of the campaign, exports to Southeast Asia grew 25% compared to the same period of the previous campaign.
According to the guild, a total of 156,765 kilos of blueberries were shipped to this block made up of three markets: Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Of the total exported to these markets, 56% was shipped by air and the remaining 44% by sea.
It should be noted that in the 2022-23 season, Thailand ranked tenth among the main importing countries of Peruvian blueberries, with a total of 678 tons.
fuente: agraria.pe
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