27/04/2023 | China

A cold spell could weaken Chinese fruit production

In China, in the north and center of the country, a cold front has caused temperatures to drop, raising concerns about damage to agricultural production, including apples, grapes, citrus fruits and pears.
According to local media, a cold front hit several regions in the north and center of the country. Snowfall and lower temperatures which could lead to a significant decrease in the production of fruits and vegetables. The Ministry of Agriculture pointed to the likelihood of severe damage to apples in major producing regions such as Shaanxi, Shanxi and Xinjiang, as well as other fruits such as grapes, citrus fruits and pears.
For several months, extreme weather events have affected the country, such as the heat wave last year which lasted more than 70 days and caused considerable damage. This year, record heat in March with 31.8°C (89°F) and droughts then sandstorms. "The climate system is becoming more and more unstable," said Song Shanyun, spokesperson for the China Meteorological Administration.
source : caixinglobal.com, biz.crast.net, themilsource.com
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