04/01/2023 | India

Record potato production expected this year

In India, the state of Uttar Pradesh, located in the north of the country, is the national leader in potato production.
According to the director of horticulture department of Uttar Pradesh, RK Tomar, the potato production is expected to exceed 170 lakh tons (= 17 million tons).
This year the seeding target in the state of Uttar Pradesh is 627,246 hectares. Farmers in the state have already reached 80% of that acreage and if weather conditions are right, potato production is expected to top 17 million tons.
This record volume of production will make it possible to ship potatoes to other states in the country and to continue exporting to Nepal and the United Arab Emirates.
For India as a whole, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, potato production reached 53.69 million tonnes in 2020-21. The state of Uttar Pradesh, with an area of 610,000 hectares, produced 14.78 million tonnes of potatoes in 2019-20.
source : pkbnews.in, en.gaonconnection.com, convertermaniacs.com
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